If you have kids I highly recommend that you allow then to study or just travel abroad.
Even if its for a week, trust me when I tell you it will be the best memory and life experience they will ever have.
They will learn so much about the countries that they visit and also learn a lot about themselves.
Being on this study abroad trip has taught me so much about myself, and discovering the different countries we've traveled to has open my eyes to how people in different countries live and how their way of life is different then the regular North American.
So far I've been to France, Germany and England, and it's cool to see how people react and conduct themselves in public. For example I never realized how loud North Americans were until getting on public transportation in France and seeing how everyone sits quietly on the bus talking to their friend if they are talking, in a quiet in-door type of voice, while us North Americans have a loud almost yelling type of voice.
Another thing your child will learn while they study abroad is how to live without having their security blanket (parents/family) with them. Since your not working and only spending, you have to learn how to budget your money properly, the last thing you want is to be flat broke before it's time to get back home.
Also, because your living on your own, that means you have to cook, do your own laundry, and grocery shopping, pretty much EVERYTHING your parents (if you were living at home) do but now all by yourself. Which in the end will benefit you more in the end.
Another reason you should allow your child to study or travel abroad is after they get into real adulthood, they may never get the chance to travel like this again. Now at the point in your life where you don't really have bills to pay and you can save all your money to travel before it starts to go to paying for bills and rent.
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