Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Beautiful Barcelona! Part 1

*sighs* Oh Barcelona, where do I start with you!?
If you don't know where Barcelona is, it's in the amazing country of Spain, in the fabulous continent of Europe.

Since we have some free weekends, for travel. Some of the girls and myself, decided to take a little trip to somewhere where the sun is shining and get out of the cold, so we settled for beautiful Barcelona, Spain.

We decided we wanted to experience a real authentic Barcelona, so instead of staying at a hotel, be decided to rent an apartment, so we heading over to Airbnb, and started to look through all the beautiful apartments until we picked one that was located right off of Av. del Parallel, so we were right in the centre of the city and the Metro was just down the street from us.

   As soon as we got to Barcelona, the first thing we did was go to Plaza Espana Barcelona, which I recommend everyone to go see. It is the heart of the city, you can see Palau Nacional, which is an art museum and also see Barcelona's old bull-fighting ring, which they converted into a mall, you can also pay to take an elevator to the top of the mall or just take the escalators inside the mall to the top and see a beautiful view of the city.

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